About Us
The Tauranga Blue Rovers Football Club was formed in 1971 and now has over 600 players in winter football with the club and 1800 players involved in our football programmes throughout the year. We train and play at Pemberton Park on Fraser Street, Morland Fox Park on Devon Street and Te Wati Park in Maungatapu. The majority of our players are from our local area: Greerton, Oropi, Pyes Pa, The Lakes, Tauriko and Central Tauranga.
Our vision is "Football for Everyone" and we offer a variety of football programmes so that any person, regardless of their background or ability, can experience "the beautiful game" without having to leave their local community. This includes:
- Winter football for children, youth and seniors teams including: First Kicks on Saturday mornings at our home grounds for children aged 4 to 7 (Grades 4 to 7), Junior Football for children aged 8 to 12 (Grades 8 to 12), Youth Football for youth aged 12 to 19 (Grades 13 to Baywide Youth) and Senior Football.
- A development programme from February to September which partners with players, caregivers and coaches to accelerate the football ability of players with a Growth Mindset and a strong work ethic. The programme is comprised of development teams and skill labs.
- Holiday programmes for children and youth in the Term 1, 2, 3 breaks and Term 4 Christmas holiday.
- Summer football from October to March. Summer football is an informal and fun 5-aside organised by age group (U8, U10, U12, youth, senior).
- In-school programmes to deliver play, active recreation, and football experiences for children and youth.
- Futsal in Term 1 and 4. Futsal has developed as its own unique sport with players choosing to specialise in football or futsal as they get older.
- Walking Football for older or disabled players who want to kick a ball, have fun and stay active.
The guiding values of the club are:
- Inclusiveness - we value the diversity of our members and offer a diversity of opportunities.
- Integrity - we do what we say.
- Excellence - we are good at what we do.
- Sustainability - we are here for the long-term.
- Stage Appropriate - player welfare is central to what we do.
- Partnership - we each have our part to play in being successful.
Club Roles & Contacts
Key Contacts
Chris Acott | Director of Football
Email: dof@bluerovers.co.nz
Phone: (021) 0232 7954
Leigh Perry | Registrations
Email: registrations@bluerovers.co.nz
Nika Rikiriki | President | president@bluerovers.co.nz
Leonie Gordon | Secretary (acting)
Lyndon Marshall & Nicky Marshall | Treasurer
Theo Ursum | Immediate Past President | theo@bluerovers.co.nz
Cath Wheeler
David Quirk
Grade Coordinators
Tammy Francis | 9th Grade | g8@bluerovers.co.nz
Kerri Berntsen | 11th Grade | g9@bluerovers.co.nz
Carien Lubbe | 12th Grade | g10@bluerovers.co.nz
Petra Snelling-Berg | Grade 13-19 | youth@bluerovers.co.nz
Cath Wheeler | Girls Coordinator | girls@bluerovers.co.nz
Leonie Gordon | Senior Women and High School Girls Coordinator | women@bluerovers.co.nz
David Quirk | Senior Men | men@bluerovers.co.nz
Theo Ursum | Grants Officer & Volunteer Coordinator | theo@bluerovers.co.nz
Development Team
Brent Armitage | Development Coach
Brett Gander | Goal Keeper Coach
David Bollen | Development Coach
Geoff Rickard | Develoment Coach
Jake Taylor | Develoment Coach
Lance Ranchod | Development Coach
Leonie Gordon | Development Coach
Nichola Vague | Development Coach
Skylar Dix | Development Coach and Skill Labs Coach
Stuart Leighton | Development Coach and Skill Labs Coach