Presidents Update January 2021

12 Jan

Happy New Year to you all. I hope all had a nice Xmas break. After a full on year it was good to have some time off and recharge the batteries.

With the pre-season starting again mid-February, so the club is gearing up making sure all the preps are done. There is lot’s to choose from in term one: fast football & futsal continue, the Blue Rovers’ skill centre and the Friday ‘turn up and play’ 5-aside will restart again too.

I would like to thank Rachel, Yvonne and Marie for the many hours they have put in to get the new website, the Friendly Manager portal and the accounting package Xero up and running.
We already had some great feedback from parents, saying it is very easy to register. Go and have a look yourselves.

We expect to continue the growth of the club with player numbers will go over 500 this year, so we are looking for some more hands to make things work. Would you like to be part of our great Blue Rovers team?

We are looking for:

  • Committee members: support the club on organisational & strategic level (about 10 hour per month), induction and training available.
  • Committee Secretary: delegate tasks and pass on info to those responsible and keep the committee meetings on track (about 15 hours per month).
  • Grounds person: making sure the fields are booked and marked as needed (hours variate during the year, but on average 10 hours per month).
  • 8th grade coordinator: make sure all coaches/parents are happy during the winter season and support 8th grade trials and junior football in general.
  • Fast football coordinator: coordinate the admin side of the 5-aside, being there on pitch would be a bonus, but essential. Run in term 1 and 4, bump in hours getting it going, then ride along. (2.5 hours per week, 3.5 hours extra being there on game day).
  • Federation coach: keen to train up and take on the next level as a coach of a Federation team (12 grade and up)?

Just give me a ring on 022 6200226 if you are interested in one of the roles or if you would like to contribute in another way.

Kind regards,

Theo Ursum

Club President